
Use of this spell protects the wizard and anyone in the area of effect from damage caused by the rebounding of the wizard's spells. This includes damage from a fireball cast in an area too small for its effects, a reflected lightning bolt, or any other offensive area spell that overlaps the safeguarding's area of effect. The protection is effective against spells of 7th level and lower. The protection does not apply to damage from spells rebounded by any form of magical spell turning.

This spell does not protect the wizard against damage from spells or attacks cast by enemies or other party members. A wizard who has cast safeguarding is free to move and act normally. The spell's effect is always centered on him, regardless of his actions. Other creatures are free to enter and exit the area of effect. An area spell cast by the wizard will take effect normally, but its effects will be negated within the area of the safeguarding spell. This applies only to area spells centered outside the radius of the safeguarding spell.

If the wizard casts an offensive area spell within the area of the safeguarding, the safeguarding is immediately negated and those within the area suffer full damage from the spell. The wizard is free to cast non-offensive area spells and individually targeted spells within the area of the safeguarding.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Abjuration (House Quintus)

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material component is a piece of preserved skin from any creature that possesses natural magic resistance.

1 turn+1 turn/level ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
​15-foot-radius sphere ​
Saving Throw


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