
Illithid   priests of Maanzecorian   Schandreptibus, iIIithid Priest (12th level): AC 5; MV 12; HO 8+13; hp 60; THACO 11; #AT 4; Omg 2 hp + special (tentacles SA mi"d blast stuns all in area of effect (a cone 60' long and 5 to 20' wide) for 3d4 rounds except on a successful saving throw vs. rod I wand hitaff, tentacles extract brain in 1 d4 rounds (struggling target) or a hlngle round (c!tnr",ed or inca· pacitated victim), spells, spelHike powers; SO spells, spell-like powers. +3 bonus to saving throws against mind-controlling spells and. effects (WOOom bonus MR 90%; SZ M (6'2" MLchampion (15 Int genius (18 AL LE; xr 11,000. Wis 17. Spells: ble:s, combille, cOlmmmd (x2), CIITSI', dar/mess (xl), <;(IlIclllary; al/gllry, dla~m pt'rWII or mammal, fnthrall, hold ptrson (x2), know oliS"lllrnl, siltllU 15' radius; COllll1ll1ll1 Jarkllr5s (x2), clloose I'durr~, tll/OtiOIl cOlltrol- (x3 IliIbblc, cloak of fror, probability contr!)l"'; milldsJ,al it'r", t fUr' 5t'i'illg; disbeli~r • plly~ical mirror". Special Ilbilitics: astral projectioll, c!tnnn mOlLs/er, charm ptf"S(}lI, ESP, lrei/ale, plallt shift. and sug· g~tioll. Schandreptihus has a splendid topaz, tiger eye, and sapphire ncc.kchain worth 10.000 gpo


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