Servitor Derro

Controlled by illithid   Typical Servitor Derro: AC 3 (Derro scale, spiked buckler, Dexterity bonus MV 9; HD 3; hp 15; THACO 17 (16 with akJys or repeating light crossbow #AT 2; Omg ld6 + special (aklys) and Id4 (spiked buckJer) or Id3 + special x2 (poisoned crossbow bolts SA can throw aklys and retrieve on following round, in me1ee the akJys's hook has a l-in-8 chance of pulling opponent off balance (1 round to recover), enfeeblement toxin on crossbow bolts (a failed saving Ihrow vs. poison reduces the target's Strength scon:' toS, imposing a -2 penalty to attack rolls and -1 to damage MR 30%; SZ S (4' MLchampion (15) while their leaders live, steady (12) thereafter; lnt very (13 AL CE; XP 975 each. Dex 16.


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