
Dawnkiller, Blacksoul

​Shadar-Kai cling to darkness and shadows. They are a bleak and sinister humanlike people that inhabit the negative plane and serve Baron Karza. Following the dark auguries of their witches, shadar-kai move secretly to accomplish ruinous ends, destroying any heroes or kingdoms that stand in their way.​   ​A shadar-kai resembles a human but has gray skin and eyes that are lustrous black orbs, like a raven’s. The shadows around it seem to deepen as it moves. A shadar-kai prefers loose dark garments, often with complex but subtle designs. Hair is worn long, sometimes loose, other times elaborately shaved, styled, and/or braided. A shadar-kai’s skin always has patterns of tattoos and scarifications, as well as many piercings. ​ ​Shadar-kai seek new experiences and a rush of sensation. Characters who risk bargaining with the shadar-kai should offer an intense or diverting experience as their part in the deal. Long ago, the shadar-kai bound themselves by oath and blood to the service of the Baron Karza. However, they found their extended lives threatened by the omnipresent malaise of the negative plane. Realizing that sensation, even pain, was the only way to forestall their home's soul-draining gloom, the shadar-kai became a race of extremes. Shadar-kai settlements can be found throughout the negative plane. Shadar-kai villages, towns, and cities are grim places populated by coldhearted, pitiless people who crave power and do not fear death. In fact, most shadar-kai embrace death, trusting that the Baron Karza will keep their souls safe long after they’ve passed on. Shadar-kai society is meritocratic. Personal achievement and glory defines a shadar-kai more than family, wealth, or holdings. A shadar-kai can gain a lot of power and prestige by murdering rivals, slaying powerful beasts in the name of the Baron Karza, or wreaking havoc and reaping souls in the natural world. All shadar-kai have the ability to teleport a short distance and reappear in a dark, wraithlike form.​   ​Shadar-kai prefer light, exotically shaped weapons. Shadar-kai fight without concern for their own wellbeing, believing that death is foretold at birth and cannot be avoided.​ ​The shadar-kai deals 3d6 extra damage against any creature granting combat advantage to it.​ ​Claw: 2d8+15 + 2d8 PSP drained​ ​Flutter and Strike: Before the attack, the shadar-kai teleports up to 10 squares. The shadar-kai gains combat advantage against an enemy adjacent to it for this attack, and then uses claw against the enemy.​ ​Sorrow's Rush: The Sorrowsworn moves up to 10 squares and uses claw three times at any points during this movement. Each attack must be made against a different creature.​ ​Shadow Chain: 2 sqaure reach, 2d8+6 dmg. Target is Shrouded in Gloom (save vs. spell). ​ ​Spiked Chain: 2d4+3​ ​Katar: d6+3. The shdar-kai may attack twice with this weapon.​ ​Kukri: 2d6+6 and target is Shrouded in Gloom.​ ​Shade Strike: Can only target someone Shrouded in Gloom. 2d8+6 dmg. and target is blind. (save vs. spell) ​ ​Cage of Gloom: The shadar-kai makes an attack with a small weapon. If the attack is successful, they may forgo a secodn strike and, instead, restrain the target. A Wisdom check with a -2 will end the restraint. ​ ​Dance of Death: The Shadar-kai shifts 6 squares and makes 3 chain attacks at any point during the move. He may only attack an enemy once. If done with a Shadow Chain, each target is Shrouded in Gloom (save vs. spell).​ ​Shadow Jaunt: The shadar-kai teleports 3 squares and becomes insubstantial until the start of his next turn.​ ​Gloomstrike: If the shadar-kai hits a target that can’t see him, the target is blinded until the end of the gloomblade’s next turn.​ ​Veil of Shadows: The shadar-kai turns invisible and moves up to his speed. The power cannot be used while bloodied.​ ​Blackfire Touch (Witch): 2d6+4 dmg.​ ​Beshadowed Mind (Witch): Raneg of 100 ft. The target is syurrounded by shadow and has no line of sight more than 2 squares away.​ ​Deep Shadow (Witch): Area of effect = 2 squares from the caster in all directions. Thick, writhing shadows surround the shadar-kai witch. The witch and any other shadow creatures in the aura gain concealment. In addition, enemies that enter or start their turns in the aura take d6 damage, and enemies (including flying ones) also treat the area within the aura as difficult terrain. The shadar-kai witch can sustain the aura as a half action. However, the eff ect ends if she uses shadow jaunt or moves more than half her speed on her turn.​ ​Corrupting Blackfire (Witch): d10+6 dmg. and target is shorouded in gloom (save vs. spell to end).​ ​Corrupt Soul (Witch): Range of 100 ft. Only affects a target shrouded in gloom. Target is dominated unless they make a Wisdom check -5.​ Shadowbolt (Witch): Range 100 ft., 3d6+6 dmg. Target is Shorudned in Gloom.​ ​Shadowburst (Witch): 30 ft. x 30 ft. area of effect. d6+3 dmg. Target makes a Wisdom check or is Shrouded in Gloom. Save vs. spell for half dmg.​ ​Shrouded in Gloom: While shrouded in gloom, a creature takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and gains only half the benefit of healing effects.​ Shadow Boon: If a ally shadar-kai is within 10 squares of a leader, they may reroll a missed attack. The second result must be taken. ​ ​Bleak Visage: Creatures take a -2 penalty to melee and ranged attack rolls against the shadar-kai​ ​Infravision 120 ft.​        
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages
Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy


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