
Shaharazar. efreeti: AC 2; MV 9, fly 24 (B HO 10; hp 70; THACO 11 (7 with two-/I!lllded efreeti sword +4 #AT 1; Omg 3d8 (two-/tnllded efte!!li sword +4 SA special abilities (see below SO immune to normal fire, attacks using magical fire directed at the efreeti are-I to all attack and damage mils, special abilities (see below SZ L (12' tall ML champion (16 Int very (11 AL N; XP 16,0CI0. Chr 17. Special abilities (each once per day, unless otherwise noted): create illusion (includes both sight and sound, lasts until touched or di,'t'I/t'd), detect magic, ~nlarge, gasl'OIts form, grant wish (thrice per day), illt'isibi/ily, polymorph self, product' flame (at will), pyrotecilnics (at will), waf! vf fire. Sha.harazar wields an enonnous two-handed sword With great skill and attacks the strongest PC fighter; however, she is very pohte and praises any good stroke on his ('Ir her part, apologi7jng profu:;.ely t'ach time she wounds her opponent. Her sword is an heirloom of her house and functions as a cursed sword -4 in the hands of any nonefreet; the sword is ~ long and heavy that charactt'rs less th.ln 10' tall will not be able to Wield it effectively.


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