
is short and thin, a middle-aged man with black hair, brown eyes, and a droopy moustache   Shalzerith, human Wizard (10th-level): AC 6 (ring of protec/ioll +2. Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 36; TIiACO 18 (17 wilh dagger +1 NAT 1; Omg Id4+1 (dagger +1 S2 M (5'3" ML fearless (20) when domillated, otherwise steady (11 tnt genius (17 AL LE; XP 2,000. DeJ( 16, Can 15. Spells: armor, idelltify, magiC missile, shield; blilldlless, blur,/Il/provt'fi phalltasmal force, stillkillg cloud; dispe/magic,f/y, spectral force; Evard's black tellt(lcles, po/ymorplr oilIer; Irold mOllster, wall of force.


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