
Shasurita, half-elven Thief (Uth level): AC -1 (/rother armOr +3, s/lield +2, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 46; TI-lACO 15 (13 with IOllg sword +2, 10 with sltort bow +2, a17TlW +1, and Dexterity bonus #AT 1 or 2; Dmg 1d8+2 (lvng sword +2) or Id6+3/ld6+3 (short bow +2 with quiver including 11 Qrrows + 1 SA thief abilities (+4 to attack rolls and quadruple damage on backstabs SD thief skills (see below), invisibility; SW charmed; SZ M (5'3" MLchampion (16 ALN (NG XP 7,000. Str 11, Dex 17, Con 15. Int 12. Wis 12, Cha IS. Her thief skills (including adjustments for ram and Dexterity) are Pide Pockets (55~·i.), Open Locks (800/0), Find & Remove Traps (75% or 85% with her speciallockpicks), Move Silently (65%), Hide in Shadows (65%), Hear Noise (65%), Oimb Walls (95%), and Read t...lnguages (45%). She has a ring of invisibility, a rillg of flying (casts the fly speU, once per 19 day, for 12 turns) and a set of enchanted lockpicks which give her a +10 bonus to Find & Remove Traps roUs. Finally she has a scroll of the following wizard spells scnbed at 12th level; dispel magic, polymorph self, ~-folle 10 flesh. She will fight fiercely to protect the illithids here as long as she is still dram/ed; if freed from the dtarm she will bide hcr time and then seek her revenge at a moment when the chances of success seem greatest.


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