
Sprites are shy and reclusive faerie people, related to other faerie-folk, like brownies and leprechauns. There are several varieties, including pixies and nixies. Most have small, semitransparent wings, and elven features. Normal sprites have distinctly elven features and live in meadows and wooded glens. The wingless sea sprites make their homes on colorful coral reefs, living in harmony with the sea creatures, protecting the reefs’ delicate environment, and frolicking in the waves. The naturally invisible pixies are perhaps the most intelligent and mischievous of the faeries; they dwell in idyllic woodlands and delight in harassing travelers with their pranks. Nixies are water sprites that live in freshwater lakes, and, while they harbor no grudges against humankind, they delight in enslaving men as their beasts of burden. Other sylvan creatures related to sprites include the swift atomies and the mischievous grigs, both forest-dwellers.
  Combat: Sprites hate evil and ugliness, and are capable of stout militancy, should their secluded homes be invaded by orcs or worse. They fight with long, slim swords which do damage as a human-sized dagger, or their own special bows. Bows have a range half that of a human short bow and do only half as much damage (1-3 points). The tips of their arrows are coated with a special ointment concocted by the sprites. Any creature struck by the drugged arrows, regardless of level, race, or magic resistance, must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall into a deep sleep lasting 1d6 hours. Normally sprites do nothing more than take their victims to safe a place very far away (often confiscating their weapons in the process), though evil creatures may be slain.
  Habitat/Society: Sprites prefer to avoid other intelligent beings and live in places where they can have many celebrations, parties, and gatherings. They gather on most moonlit nights for singing and dancing, land sprites in the glens, and water sprites in the surf. Land sprites live in sylvan woodlands, they monitor and protect forests and secluded glens. Water sprites protect their watery territories equally well.
  Most land-dwelling species of sprite are immortal, and never die unless killed. The sprites’ diminutive size and their dangerous environments keep sprite populations low.
  Sprite (standard) Sprites usually speak only their own language, common, and elven, but seem to get along with woodland mammals and other creatures anyway. Humans often mistake sprites for butterflies at a distance, and it is guessed that the majority of forest creatures also think of the fair sprites in this way.
  Combat: Sprites can become invisible at will and detect good/evil within 50 yards, so they are hard to deceive, evade, or capture. When invisible, sprites get +2 to attack rolls against opponents, who suffer a -4 penalty to hit the sprites.
  Habitat/Society: Sprites are very flighty, and find even elves much too serious about most woodland affairs. Only druids deal with sprites regularly. Some druids even receive a little of their training in the company of a few sprites. Most sprites love druids, for their neutral alignment and love for nature make them see the forest in much the same way. On rare occasions, sprites associate with rangers as well.
  Sprites are loosely tribal, electing the best warrior among the group (male or female) as the group spokesperson. This leader is recognized as the one who makes major decisions and bargains with druids and elves. Sprites rarely wait for their leader’s decision, often attacking an evil creature before the leader can issue any command.
  Ecology: Sprite sleep ointment is concocted from forest mushrooms. The ointment must be left to cure in the sun for seven days. Sprites hollow out tree stumps to serve as containers for this rare substance.
  Sprites keep watch on their fellow sprites, so they know who to invite to their frequent gatherings. A deserted meadow or glen is never empty for more than a decade before a new clan of sprites moves in.
Special Advantages

Special Disadvantages
Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy


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