Staff of Skulls

This staff, usable by all classes, can animate skeletal remains. Each operation - triggered by the word "Arise!" - drains one charge. Animated skeletons are under the command of the wielder of the staff (see Animate Dead spell). If the staff should change hands, control of the skeletons goes with it. Skeletons need not be complete, but the skull must be present, and skeletons lacking parts of course have their actions and mobility impaired. Such animation is permanent, lasting until the magic is dispelled or the skeletons destroyed.

Twenty-five percent of these staves have a secondary function: mending the broken bones of both living and dead creatures. This takes 1 charge, and in a round it can reattach a severed limb or digit, although it does not restore hp lost due to the wounds. Limbs or bones not belonging to the recipient may be used; thus a heap of bones can serve as "spare parts" for a guard of skeletons. Typically, these staves are of ebony topped with an ivory skull, or constructed of a smooth-polished skull and a thighbone of giant size.

Speed Factor
XP Value

Greater: 1,500

Lesser: 900

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Base Price
Greater: 25,000/Lesser: 15,000


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