Stone Golem

​Golems are automatons, artificially created and under the direct control of their creator. They have no society and are not associated with any particular habitat. They are frequently used to guard valuable items or places. Unlike the lesser golems, the greater golems are always under the complete control of their master. A greater golem can obey simple instructions involving direct actions with simple conditional phrases. Although this is better than a lesser golem is capable of following, they still make poor servants. Any given task could take several separate commands to direct the golem to its completion.​   ​Golems are not natural creatures, and play no part in the ecology of the world. They neither eat nor sleep, and “live” until they are destroyed, usually in combat. Certain spells (see above) can be used to heal or repair any damage done to them in combat. This is usually done by their creators to insure long and valuable service.​     ​A stone golem is 9½ feet tall, and weighs around 2000 pounds. Its body is of roughly chiseled stone, frequently stylized to suit its creator. For example it might be carved to to look like it is wearing armor with a particular symbol on the chest plate. Sometimes designs are worked into the stone of its limbs. The head may be chiseled to resemble a helmet or other head piece. Regardless of these elements, it always has the basic humanoid parts (2 arms, 2 legs, head with 2 eyes, nose, mouth etc.). It is always weaponless and never wears clothing.​   ​Greater golems are mindless in combat, only following the simple tactics of their masters. They are completely emotionless and cannot be swayed in any way from their instructions. They will not pick up and use weapons in combat, even if ordered to, always preferring their fists. Stone golems have a strength of 22, for purposes of breaking or throwing things.​   Once every other round, the stone golem can cast a slow spell upon any opponent with 10 feet of it.​   ​The stone golem is immune to any weapon, except those of +2 or better enchantment.​   A rock to mud spell slows a golem for 2-12 (2d6) rounds. Its reverse, mud to rock, acts to heal the golem, restoring all lost hit points. A flesh to stone spell does not actually change the golem’s structure, but does make it vulnerable to any normal attack for the following round. This does not include spells, except those that will cause direct damage. All other spells are ignored.​   Stone Golems (3): AC 5; MY 6; HD 14; hp 60 each; THACO I; IIA T 1; Dmg 3dS (fISt SA Gin casl a slow speU on any opponent within to' (once every other round SD immune to weapons of less than +2 enchantment, healed fully by trallSmllt~ mild to nd, ignores all spells except as noted; SW $lond for 2d6 rounds by lransmute rock to mud, stOIlt' 1o flesh causes it to lose its immunities to damage-inflicting attacks for I round; 52 L (10' tall ML fearless (20 lnt non (0 AL N; XP 8,000 each. ''Death angel" stone golems (2): IN'l' very· AL N· AC 5· MV 6 fly 12 (D HD i4; hp 60, 60/THACO 7; #AT 2; Dmg 2d8/2d8; SA touch of death; SD +2 or better weapon to hit, immune to poison, charm, hold, and cold; SZ L (9' tall, 22' wingspan ML 20; XP 11,000; MM/166 (variant). The touch of these angels drains l hp permanently from the target and temporarily reduces the victim's Constitution by 2. If Constitution drops below 3, the creatul'e lapses into a coma. Ifit drops to 0, the crea-ture dies and cannot be brought back to life by any means sho1-t of a wish spell. Lost Constitution is restored at the rate of 1 point per hour or per curative spell.  
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