Striking Wave

This spell causes water to rise up into a single directed strike of massive force. A large body of water must be present (in other words, a pond, lake, or the sea) or the spell is wasted. It cannot create water out of nothing, nor can it cause the contents of a tub or small, ornamental pool to do more than rise up in an impressive manner and crash back down again, splashing things nearby.

A striking wave varies from 10 feet to 100 feet wide as the caster directs, moves in the direction its caster directs and can change direction in response to the caster's silent concentration, but it must travel at least 60 feet in a straight line before it can do harm; otherwise, items in its path simply ride up along its swell and are unharmed. The priest must be in contact with the water to cast the spell, although this contact can be as little as a hand or toe dipped into the wetness. The range of the spell applies to how distant the wave can form from the caster, not bow far it can travel. If unhindered by impact or obstacle, the striking wave travels several miles before subsiding. If cast in a confined area, such as a harbor, so that it strikes a sea wall or other immobile obstacle within 100 feet of its forming, it rebounds back to where it was formed, doing double damage to creatures and items between.

A striking wave smashes into immobile objects for 10d12 points of damage. Floating objects are allowed a saving throw vs. spell; if alive and swimming or free to move in the water, floating creatures are also allowed a second saving throw vs. spell. Each saving throw that succeeds removes three dice of damage, so swimmers who make both saving throws suffer only 4d12 points of damage. A rebounding wave must be saved for separately both times; one set of saving throws does not govern both strikes.

Striking waves can attack targets on the shore; however, they lose force as they do so. For every 10 feet up the shore the wave travels, 1d12 of damage is lost from the wave.

Ships suffer structural damage from a striking wave as follows: A ship automatically loses 10% of its seaworthiness if at anchor or tied up dockside, but only 5% if floating freely; small open boats suffer double this damage. Open boats and barges may well be capsized by a striking wave. The DM must adjudicate such situations. The DM must also determine damage done to wharves and other structures; however, such damage is rarely extensive unless the buildings' construction was not intended for marine or shore use.
Type of Magic
Spell Level
Alteration, Evocation
Elemental Water
15 ft./level
Verbal, Somatic, Material
The material component is a drop of water blessed by Umberlee or by a senior Umberlant in the name of the goddess.
Casting Time
1 rd.
Area of Effect
Saving Throw


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