
Strychnesch, human Fighter (13th leve!): AC-7 or better (plille iliad +4, slllt:ld +3, Dexterity bonus, def~lder su'Ord MY 12; hp 101; TIiACO 8 (6 or better with Strength bonus and de/~Ild" sword, 2 with composite fon;:: row +3, Strength bonus, and Dexterity bonus /tAT 2; Omg ld8+5 or better (diftndrr bnstard sword +4, used one-handed, plus Strength bonus) or Id8+8 (sheaf arrows, co/llpo:,ite lOllS bmv +3, Strength bonus SZ M (6'2" ML fearless (19 A L LE; XP 8,000. Str 19/98, Dex 16, Con 17, lnt 12, Wis 12, Cha 12. Tall, dark, hand50me, and psychopathic, Strychnesch owns rillSs offree actioll and warmt/l and wean. a lIell11 of 1II111erwaier action. He has patiO/IS of ~xtra-healillg and gasecmsfonn and wears yellow gem lenses set into his helm so that they can be pulled down over his eyes, functioning as a gem of Sl!e' illg. Strychnesch has gold bracelets and matching neckchain, S('t with moonstones and a ruby, worth 9,000 gpo


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