Subterranean Lizard

AKA Cave Lizard   Cave Lizards (3): AC 5; MV 15; HD 3i-1; hp 21, 17, 12; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg IdS (bite SA on a nat· liral attack roll of 20, locks jaws on victim for double damage (2dB) and innicts automatic double damage every round thereafter; AL N; SZ H (15' long ML average (9) or fanatic (17 Int non (0 AL N; Xl' 175.   Subterranean Lizards   This aggressive lizard is able to run across walls or ceilings with the help of its suction cup-tipped feet. An attack roll of 20 means the lizard has clamped its jaws on its victim and does double damage (4-24 points). The victim automatically suffers an additional 2-12 points of damage each round thereafter. These lizards never leave their caves voluntarily. Some species are albino; these shun light and attack at -1 in daylight or its equivalent. Other species have tongues up to 20 feet long. Any man-sized or smaller prey seized by the tongue will be drawn into the mouth and bitten the next round unless a bend bars roll is made.


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