Switch Personality

Some psionicists can literally put themselves in another man’s (or woman's) shoes. This science allows the psionicist to switch his own mind with someone else’s. In effect, they exchange bodies. The other person's mind inhabits the psionicist's body while the psionicist mind inhabits his subject’s body. The switch is permanent, and last until the psionicist uses this power to reverse it.

Each character gains the other's physical attributes. However, both minds retain all their own knowledge and knowledge-based abilities. For example, a telepath who switches minds with a 10th level fighter gains a body with that fighter's hit points and physical attributes (Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity). However, he retains his own THACO, proficiencies, and so forth. The switch takes a turn to complete, and the process is quite traumatic. At the end of the turn, both characters must make system shock saving throw using their new Constitution scores. A character who fails this roll lapses into a coma for 1-100 hours.

Bodies that have undergone a personality switch tend to degenerate. Both characters must make a Constitution ability check every day. If a check fails, the character lose one point of Constitution. If his Constitution drops to zero, he dies. This Constitution loss is temporary, but it does not reverse itself until the personalities are restored to their proper bodies. At that point, both bodies recover one point of Constitution per day. The psionicist does not lose his psionic powers if his Constitution drop below 11. However, if a power score is based on Constitution-like this power's score is-the core drops accordingly.

PSP (Initial)
PSP (Ongoing)
Area of Effect
Individual ​
Mindlink ​
Power Score
​System shock rolls automatically succeed, and the Constitution checks are made only once a week.
Critical (20)
The psionicist lapses into a coma for 1d100 hours.


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