Sword Spider
Sword Spider
This giant hunting spider is native to jungles, but has been introduced into the Underdark by drow traders. It has a sleek, hairy, black body with brown stripes. Its legs have bony plates with sharp, raised ridges that cut like sword blades.
Against formidable prey, a sword spider leaps horizontally as far as 30 feet, and lands legs forward, impaling its prey. Only one attack roll is made for the creature. If the attack is successful, the victim is struck by a number of legs based on its size: size S, three legs; size M, four legs; size L, five legs; size H, six legs; size G, all eight legs. If the spider’s leap is greater than 20 feet, each leg receives a +1 bonus to damage. Any upward attack against the leaping spider receives a -4 to the attack roll, due to the impaling blades which protect the spider.
Sword spiders (4): INT average; AL CK AC 3· MV 6 web 8 climb 8·
HD 5+5; hp 32, 29, 28. 26; ;l'HACO is; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4/2d6 per leg (6 for size L targets, 4 for size M targets, 3 for si7.e S SA impaling leap (+1 to damage rolls for leaps over 20 feet S7, H (12' diamete1· ML 13; XP 2,000; MMl: 26 (Spider).