
Szandur, 14th~leve.l Specialist Wizard (Enchanter): AC -2 (bracers of dqmse AC 3, ring of protection +2, Dexterity bonus MV 12: hp 48; THACa 16 (14 with dagger +2 in melee. 12 with dagger +2 in missile combat #AT 1; Omg Id-t+2 (dagger +2 SA spells. bonus spells (one per level, from the school of enchantment/charm), opponents suffer -I penalties to saving throws against spells from her specialty school (indicated in bold below SO gains +3 bonus to all saving throws against enchantments and charms (specialist bonus, amulet) and +5 against domination (specialist bonus, amulet AL NE; XP 10,000. Str9, Dex li, Con 16. Int 18, WIS 15, Cha 16. Spells (induding ~pecialisl bonuses): alarm, bl/millg hands, cfrarm person, comprcherzd langllages, grease, identify; continull/light, ESP,fog clol/d, hypnotic pattem,locntl' object, ray of ellfeeblement; babble, clairaudience, clairvoyalice, dispel magic, suggestio", water brealllillg; drnmr mOllster, dimensioll door, Ewrd's black telltaclcs, Izallucilla~ t(ICY terraill (already cast), improtlt!d inVisibility; chaos, d"lIIbllOdOfIJ mOlls/ers, dis/aIlCt' ilistor/iOIl (already cast), /eeblnrr;/ld, mOllster ~ummolli"g n1; eyebite (clrann), mvisjbl~ stalk('T, Inll'seeing; mOllster summolling V, steat enc/rQlltmellt". She wears a nng of fire resistance and an amulet (XP 500) which confers a bonus of +2 to saving throws against all enchantment/charm spells and a +4 bonus against both the domillatioll spell and the aboleth domirmliOll power. She carries a scroll with a dimellsion door spell on it at all times. as an emergency escape policy. In addition. she carnes a wa"d offrar with 21 charges, has a scroll of protcetio" from dementals and a potioll of extra-healing, and wears a /lecklace of adaptat;oll. Szandur is 5' 8" and 53 years oldi she is very paleskinned, with a very long black hair, intense black eyes, and a continuous tremor in her very bony hands. Szandur has an inv isible stalker (44 hpJ on permanent guard duty in this chamber. Szandur also has two spell effects operative. First, she has a stolleskill spell running. Second, she has a contingency spell in operation (cast on her some time before by an old ally). If she is ever reduced to zero hit points or below, or if she is held or otherwise paralyzed, her dimellsioll door spell is triggered, shifting her to the sealed chamber (area 5).


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