Szandur's Isle

The island here is small; it is a natural rock outgrowth from the sea floor. Maximum height above water level is 18 feet. The surface of the island is barren and strewn with an unusual amount of rubble (movement rate reduced by 25%). Clearly visible are the ruins of several small stone buildings, many reduced to no more than foundation stones. Clearly, some settlement was abandoned or destroyed here long, long ago. Checking through the rubble, the PCs must make a locate doors, Find Traps, or intelligence check to find the secret trapdoor in the floor of one of these foundations. Map 27 on Mapsheet 5 shows the layout here. The trapdoor is bolted shut from the inside. If opened, it reveals steps leading sharply downwards.

The small dungeon complex here is occupied by Sundur, a specialist Enchanter who has fled the surface world to escape her many enemies and taken lip study of the Aboleth and their experiments with Mass Domination. She is wily and paranoid and assumes that the PCs have been sent by her enemies to kill her. Negotiating with her is dealt with below. This wizard has some notes on the Aboleth and two magical items that the PCs should find especially useful. All doors in this dungeon are locked.


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