The Raveners

Strychnesch, human Fighter (13th leve!): AC-7 or better (plille iliad +4, slllt:ld +3, Dexterity bonus, def~lder su'Ord MY 12; hp 101; TIiACO 8 (6 or better with Strength bonus and de/~Ild" sword, 2 with composite fon;:: row +3, Strength bonus, and Dexterity bonus /tAT 2; Omg ld8+5 or better (diftndrr bnstard sword +4, used one-handed, plus Strength bonus) or Id8+8 (sheaf arrows, co/llpo:,ite lOllS bmv +3, Strength bonus SZ M (6'2" ML fearless (19 A L LE; XP 8,000. Str 19/98, Dex 16, Con 17, lnt 12, Wis 12, Cha 12. Tall, dark, hand50me, and psychopathic, Strychnesch owns rillSs offree actioll and warmt/l and wean. a lIell11 of 1II111erwaier action. He has patiO/IS of ~xtra-healillg and gasecmsfonn and wears yellow gem lenses set into his helm so that they can be pulled down over his eyes, functioning as a gem of Sl!e' illg. Strychnesch has gold bracelets and matching neckchain, S('t with moonstones and a ruby, worth 9,000 gpo JabuJanth, half-elven FighterfTh id (10th!13Ih level): AC 0 (bracers' AC 4, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 63; THACO 11 (8 .... 'ith 10llg sUJord +3, 6 with long bow +1, arrows +1, and Dexterity bonus #AT 3/2 (sword) or 2 (bow Omg Id8+3 (lollg sword +3) or Jd8+2 (/ollg w.v +J, quiver of 20 s/leaf llTTlJUlS + 1 SA thief skills (+4 to attack rolls and quintuple damage on backstab SO thief skills (sec below SZ M (5'6" ML champion (16 AL !'JE; XP 8,000. SIT IS, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 17, Wts 10, Cha 13. Thief skills: Pick Pockets SOOt;., Opt'll Locks 9Q'I/o, Fmd & Remove Tra~ 90':", Mo .... e Silently 90'0/0, Hide in Shadows 90"10, Hear Noise 95%, Climb Walls 95%, Read Languages 15%. Of medium height and build, but with broad shouJders, the naxen·haired half-elf is, quite simply, a homicidal lunatic. He has green eyes, tattooed serpents on his forearms and forehead, and only half a right ear. He wears rings of inVisibility and fire resislllllU, slippm; af spider climbillg on his feet, and has a scroll of the spells fll" i"visibility 10' radius, mirror image, poly. mtl'1,11 -,;elf. and stolle;kill (scribed at 12th level). His baku·hide cloak is worth 1,500 gp, and the six sapphire rings which adom his fingers are worth 1.,200 gp each. Morgoor, human Fighter (11 th level): AC 0 (full platt armor +1 MV 12; hp 109; Tf IACO 9 (1 with tUI(}- 1llllldt."d ruoord +4 and girdle of frost gillllt strength NAT 3/2; DmS I d 10+ 13 (tu'O'Mllded sword +4, girdle of frost giant stnmgtll SO gaim, +2 bonus to all saving throws due to rillK of protection +2; 52 M (5'7" M L fanatic (17 ALCE; XP 6,000. Str ]7 (21 with girdle offrost gianl $trmgtlt), Dex 7, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 7, Cha 10, \torgoor is a fearsome enemy; her average height and only slightly stronger·than·average build belie her magical strength. Morgoor always tries to get into melee as quickly as possible and tsehews missile weapons completely. She wears rings of mllld sllieldlll.~ and protection +2 (affects her saving throws though not her Armor Class), and cames a potion of extra-llealiNg and two potiolls of liuper-hf'roism (+2 HO, 1 dlO+4 additional hp for 5d6 rounds). Morgoor adores dia· monds, and has four of these (value 1,000 gp each) set into her crocodile-skin belt and a beautiful specimen (va lue 5,000 gp) in a belt pouch. Repdal, human Wizard (14th level): AC -1 (bracers of defell5e AC 3, r;1I8 of IITotedioll +3, Dexterity bonus MY 12; hp 48; THACO 16 (13 with staff of striking /tAT 1; Omg Id6+3, +6, or +9 (staff of strikillg with 22 charges SA spells; SO spells; SZ M (5'H''' ML champion (15 AL LE; XP 10,000. Str 9, Dex 15, Can 16, lnt 18, Wis 9, Cha 8. Spells: bumlllg hallds, comprehend lallg'tagl'S, magic missile, pltalltasmal force, protectioll from good; detect invisibility, hypnotic pottern, improt'i'd phantasmal force, mIrror image, stinkillg cloud; dispel magic, fly, /igllflllllg bolt, slow, water brro'"illg; confusion, fear, ice storm, Improved inVISibility; coile of cold,jeeblemind, /lold mOllster, s}lIldow door; globe of ;'lVu/ncrahi/ity, project image; prismatic spray. Repdal is just over 5' in height and has an unremarkable appearance, being mousy and dumpy-which she fee ls keenly, and is aggressive and cruel as a reaction. She has a brooch of s/Iieldillg with 44 hp defensive capacity remaining and a rillg of spell fUrl/illg, together with thl"l!e scrolls of spells scribed at 14th le\"el: (1) ESP, magic mi$silt, sllield, and wizard eye; (2) charm mOllster, hold monster, delll/shadoll' lIIag'c, and ttleport withollt uror; (3) StOlleskin (x6). Repdal does not wear any jewelry, nor carry any monetary treasure, outside her home. Cyvrand, human Priest (]2th level): AC 0 (plale mnil +3, no shield MV 12; hp 60; THACO 14 (11 with rod oj smitil/g /tAT 1; Omg Id8+3 (rod ofsmifillg, 16 charges SAspeUs; SO spells; SZ M (6' ML fanatic (18 At NE; XP 8,000. Str 15, Dex 10, Con ]5, Int II, Wis 18, Cha 16. Spells: bless, command, calise fear, curse, darkness (x3), sanctuary; 'Iold ptrsall (x2), resist fire, mist cold, sil~lct 15' radllls (x2), lIryuf'rrI walch; UlulI/ate dead (xl), continual darklless (x2), dispel magic, prayer; calise Sl'TiOflS wounds, fru actioll, poison, spell immullity; jlame strike, trut ~i"g; colIJllre ul/illlals, Itnrm. Cy\'rand is 6' tall, saturnine and scowling. He wears rmgs of regelleration and till! ram, has polions of eXIra-healing and Vitality, and a sih"ered flask with six applicaHons of oil of impact. He also wears a rosy coral rll'Cklace of adaptation and a necklace of missiles with one 9 HO missile, two 7 HD missiles, and two 5 HO missiles. He always cames several scrolls of spells with him, scribed at 12th level: Ill'Ul;free actioll, dispel good; plant sllift (x4 lIold perS(J/I,fire seeds, sptak wltll mOllsters. His black silk robes are worth 3,000 gp (if not filcballed, etc.), and hi:. fin~ ruby signet ring is worth 5,400 gpo Note that Cyvrand should be a priest of the same death cult (Cyric/NerulJ/Thanatos) the Pes have long dealt with, and hi~ spell list may need d\anging accordingly.


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