
These Trolls have one distinct feature; each has a thick tuft of hair which protrudes straight upwards from the crown of its; head; hence their tribal name. This pack is less numerous than its Slaverer enemies, but its dominant shaman-leader is a freak Two-Headed Troll and the other Trolls are generally tougher than most, allowing them to make up in individual strength what they lack in numbers. This group is also smart enough to use water from the pool in area 5 to deal with fire if it is used against them. They posses about a dozen water skins and hollowed-out small rocks which can hold some 2 pints of water each and use these to douse flames if they can (this does not affect burning oil, of course).   Trolls (4): AC -l; MV U ; HD 6+6; hp 44, 40, 33, 32; THACO 13; NAT 3; Dmg ld4+4/ 1d4+4/ 1d8+4 (daw Ida ...... tbite SA severed limbs attack. can throw stones (10-20 lb, 6()' range, IdS damage 5D regenerate 3 hp per round (starting 3 rounds after first injwy 5W fire and acid damage cannot be regenerated; SZ L (9' tall MLelite (14 lnt low (S ALCE; XP 1,400 each.


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