Tower of Domination

This is actually a complex, as shown on Map 30. The entire area bounded by the internal city wall has 100% transmutation, teleportation, and detection resistances. Aboleth enter via the pool, and use their mucus-cloud to grant slaves and sacrifices Water Breathing ability, enabling them to traverse the pool.

The tactics of battle here are complex. During a first attack, the Savant Aboleth within the Great Towers will not emerge to fight, nor will servitors within these towers do so - they are all simply too busy preparing for the Great Day that is rapidly approaching. If attacked, savants within each of the four Great Towers will fight within their own tower, trying to hold their own terrain. Savants from other Great Towers do not move to other Great Towers to help defend them; they are too closely identified with the magic of their own Tower to relinquish their posts there. Savant Aboleth close to death in their Towers (reduced to 20 hit points or below) will try to flee to the central Great Tower (area 25) by whatever means available to them (magically if possible). If reduced to 12 hit points or below, a Savant Aboleth will frenzy, as explained in the MC entry, making any retreat from battle impossible for them.

This area will always have defenders restocked, as far as possible, between attacks on Shaboath. This complex is the most essential of all locations for the Aboleth, and they will always give first priority to defending it. Also, Savant Aboleth will inscribe master glyphs within the Towers to defend them further.

The four satellite Great Towers (areas 21, 22, 23, and 24) have identical internal layouts, so the single map, Map 30T, acts as a map for all four. These are imposing structures some 80 feet high, with their walls intricately sculpted and fabulously well crafted.


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