Tower of Summonings

As before, the first three levels of this tower are flooded. Magic alterations work slightly differently in this tower. All greater Divination spells fail utterly within it, as do all lesser divination spells (except in area 23d, or if cast as Aboleth priest spells). Saving throws against Conjuration/Summoning spells cast by a Savant Aboleth are made with a -1 penalty. Further, protections against summoned creatures (notably protection from evil/good, 10' radius) are inoperative within the tower. If such a spell is cast, it is in abeyance and ineffectual inside this tower, but if the spell duration does not expire by the time the spellcaster leaves the tower then the spell becomes effective again (until duration expires). If the PCs summon any creatures inside this tower (by animal summoning, monster summoning, conjure animals, etc.), the summoned creatures automatically attack the PC spell caster.

The portal to this tower has two master glyphs set by Savant Aboleth inside the doorway: a Glyph of Enfeeblement and a Glyph of Chastising Summonings.

There are no visible protectors inside the Tower. When any PC crosses the threshold, he or she is affected by an instantaneous Glitterdust effect around his or her head, blinding him or her for d4+1 rounds. Simultaneously, this triggers the appearance of d2 monsters from the Monster Summoning VI table. Since only one summoning can operate per round, the PC;s will do well to rush in here all together, though for each group of four or more creatures which enters a separate summoning of d2 such monsters occurs (thus if 5 to 8 characters enter In a single round, two sets arrive; if 9 to 12, three arrive; etc., whereas if the characters enter one at a time each entrance provokes another summoning). Note that any character wearing the golden ring found on the Isle of Derangement will trigger neither the Glitterdust nor Monster Summoning effects.

There is a small stone statue of an Aboleth, some 4 feet high, on the eastern side of this chamber. This Is a magical Flux Point, and the Aboleth have crafted their statue from the stone of the natural flux in the belief that this might assist their magical operations here. The PCs can use this Flux Point to get into and out of Shaboath - but the Aboleth will reason this out after only one such raid and place defenders here to ambush the characters as they are fleeing back toward safety after a hit-and-run strike.

The second tower level, Chamber 23b, contains 12 HD Water Elementals that attack intruders immediately; these absolutely cannot be dispelled. As PCs enter the third level, Chamber 23c, they are affected by a unique master glyph the savant has crafted to protect itself; each PC is subject to being struck by a Prismatic Spray effect, with one major difference from normal: on the d8 roll, rolls of 7 or 8 are treated as no effect. This chamber contains another Savant Aboleth, a 12th level priest/14th level wizard. This creature has the same priest spell list as all its fellow tower-wardens (see area 21c). The savant has an active Stoneskin spell when first encountered.

The hemisphere of pure Conjuration/Summoning magic in the center of the floor of this tower level can be used by the savant to monster summon once per round. Roll on the appropriate aquatic monster summoning table, adding +1 to the roll. If monsters from tables II-V are called, only one MFU is drained from the sphere in area 23d; if table VI or VII is used, two MFUs are so drained. The Aboleth can summon these creatures in addition to any other actions It makes during a round. However, it is reluctant to drain too many MFUs, and after a major summoning (table VI or VII) it is 75% likely not to use this resource on the following round.

Once more, if the savant is defeated the PCs can gain entry to the tower top, Chamber 23d; until then, they are defeated by an impenetrable barrier. The small globe of pure Conjuration/Summoning magic here has 57 MFUs and can only be destroyed by casting Divination spells (lesser or greater) into it, with each spell level draining one MFU. Self-affecting and zero-range spells require touching the sphere, with the usual 2d10 hp of damage inflicted on the spellcaster. Other spells have no effect and weapon strikes inflict no damage, draining one magical plus from the weapon employed with each strike.



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