Trillahi's Forsaken

​Trillahi's Forsaken is a covert action group organized and employed by Princess Trillahi. Hurin-Eldain, while an active and good-aligned race, often are slow to take action. Princess Trillahi has taken it upon herself to have a more active role in the world and has secretly commissioned agroup to act in Alcirya's behalf rapidly and forcefully. The Forsaken are primarily Hurin-Eldain, however, they have been know to take anyone (in particular huma-stained) into their midst as long as they are wiling to act on a moments notice and sacrifce their lives for the greater good.​ The Forsaken have been involved in many incidents over the past 100 years but their involvement is kept secret to protect those that are close to them. The Forsaken are often only involved until Princess Trillahi can rally support from the Hurin-Eldain elders to act.​


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