Undead Encounter Variations

Ghost Variant

Like other ghosts, these undead animals are incorporeal. Though usually encountered only by those in a like state, the residue of their being is visible to non-ethereal creatures and is so frightening that those viewing it must immediately make a fear check. Succumbing to this fear causes the victim to temporarily lose one point of Strength, in addition to the other effects of the failed check. Priests of 5th level or paladins of 8th level are immune to this effect and all other characters of at least 7th level receive a +2 bonus to their fear checks.

Those who do not retreat promptly upon encountering the ghost are likely to be attacked by it. After spending one round to assume a semicorporeal form, the animal attacks as it would have while alive. In this state, however, its claws, fangs, or other natural weapons will not harm the living. The ethereal touch of such an animal causes those hit by it to age 5-20 (5d4) years.

While semicorporeal, a ghost animal has an Armor Class of 0 and can be struck only by silver or magical weapons. Spells cast upon the creature will affect it normally. Semicorporeal ghost animals can be turned by priests as if they were specters and may be harmed by holy water, which does 2d4 points of damage per vial.

When in its ethereal state, the ghost animal can only be combated by another in the Ethereal plane. If this is the case, it has an Armor Class of 8. They can be attacked by spells, but only if the caster is also ethereal. Any living thing killed by a ghost animal is drained of its life essence and is dead beyond the power of normal magic to revive. No force other than a wish can breathe life into someone slain in this manner.

Mummy Variant

The sight of a creature mummy is horrifying: the living who see one must save vs. spell or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. More powerful creature mummies penalize the saving throw by -1 to 4, and their aura causes fear (as the spell) or dread (-2 penalty to all rolls). There is strength in numbers for the living; for every 6, each saving throw is improved by +1. Humans have an additional +2 bonus to this saving throw.

Creature mummies attack using natural weapons – ragged claws, snarled teeth, tusks and hooves – inflicting bloody wounds. The type of attack is determined by the animal or monster the mummy is derived from. Successful natural attacks require a saving throw vs. poison to avoid infection with a dread disease, most commonly mummy rot. Other diseases include deadeye (blindness), heartsting (cardiac disease), deathbite (virulent poison), and palsy (involuntary muscle spasms causing action penalties and exhaustion). Weapons wielded by creature mummies do not transmit disease.

Cure wound spells will not heal a diseased creature, though normal rest will restore 1 hit point per 10 days. Mummy rot reduces a victim’s Charisma by 2 points, and drains 1 point of Strength and Constitution each week until fatal. Other mummy afflictions become progressively worse if left untreated, eventually killing the afflicted. A cure disease spell can cure the victim.

Creature mummies may retain a special attack from their mortal form: mummified serpents may be venomous, sphinxes may have a fearsome roar, birds may fly, ettercaps may spin webs, shamans may still cast spells, and so on. But the most diabolical ability is the innate cunning of creature mummies, since undead creatures are traditionally viewed as dull and slow-witted.

Only magical or special weapons can harm a creature mummy. Magical weapons inflict half damage; any special weapons the creature is vulnerable to (one of cold iron, silver, an arcane metal, special wood, etc.) inflict only half damage.

More powerful creature mummies may be immune to damage from special weapons and suffer only half damage from magical weapons.

Creature mummies possess many of the immunities of other undead. Sleep, charm, hold, poison, paralysis and cold attacks cause no damage. More powerful creature mummies may be immune to a second form of elemental energy. Unlike other undead, healing magic will rejuvenate the damaged form.

Most creature mummies are vulnerable to fire. A torch inflicts 1d3 points of damage and an oil flask causes 1d8 points on the first round and 2d8 the second round. Magical fires cause +1 per die of damage.

Creature mummies are turned by priests and paladins according to their Hit Dice, treating bonus hit points of 4 or more as another Hit Die. More powerful creature mummies may cause a penalty of -1 to -4 to the turn roll. If the turn attempt is successful 2d6 creatures are turned minus the power of the mummy’s penalty.

Holy water dissolves a creature mummy’s flesh, inflicting 2d4 points of damage if thrown on the creature, though the more powerful ones may be resistant to this damage.

Creature mummies are able to rejuvenate their damaged form through their connection to the Positive Material Plane. While weaker ones may be destroyed by physical damage, the more powerful ones can reconstitute their forms even if completely destroyed.

Ghoul Variant

Creature ghouls attack by using their natural weaponry. Their touch causes humans (including dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, and halflings, but excluding elves) to become rigid unless a saving throw versus paralyzation is successful. This paralysis lasts for 3-8 (2+1d6) rounds or until negated by a priest.

Any human or demi-human (except elves) killed by a ghoulish attack will become a ghoul unless blessed (or blessed and then resurrected). Obviously, this is also avoided if the victim is devoured by the ghouls. Ghoul packs always attack without fear.

These creatures are subject to all attack forms except sleep and charm spells. They can be turned by priests of any level. The magic circle of protection from evil actually keeps ghouls completely at bay.

Zombie Variants

Ju Ju Zombie: Their skin is hard, gray, and leathery. Ju-ju zombies have a spark of intelligence. A hateful light burns in their eyes, as they realize their condition and wish to destroy living things. They understand full-sentence instructions with conditions, and use simple tactics and strategies. Since they became zombies at the moment of death, their bodies tend to be in better condition. Ju-ju zombies use normal initiative rules to determine when they strike. They are dexterous enough to use normal weapons, although they must be specifically commanded to do so. These zombies can hurl weapons like javelins or spears, and can fire bows and crossbows. Their Dexterity allows them to climb walls as a thief (92%) and they strike as a 6 Hit Die monster. Ju-ju zombies are turned as specters.

The animating force of a ju-ju zombie is more strongly tied to the Negative Material plane. The result is that only +1 or better magical weapons can harm them. Regardless of the magic on the weapon, edged and cleaving weapons inflict normal damage, while blunt and piercing weapons cause half damage. In addition to normal zombie spell immunities, ju-ju zombies are immune to mind affecting spells and psionics, illusions, and to electricity and magic missiles. Fire causes only half damage.

Standard Zombie: Zombies move very slowly, always striking last in a combat round. They are given only simple, single-phrase commands. They always fight until called off or destroyed, and nothing short of a priest can turn them back. They move in a straight line toward their opponents, with arms outstretched, seeking to claw or pummel their victims to death. Like most undead, zombies are immune to sleep, charm, hold, death magic, poisons, and cold-based spells. A vial of holy water inflicts 2-8 points of damage to a zombie.

Skeleton Variant

Creature skeletons use their natural weaponry.

Skeletons are immune to all sleep, charm, and hold spells. Because they are assembled from bones, cold-based attacks also do skeletons no harm. The fact that they are mostly empty means that edged or piercing weapons (like swords, daggers, and spears) inflict only half damage when employed against skeletons. Blunt weapons, with larger heads designed to break and crush bones, cause normal damage against skeletons. Fire also does normal damage against skeletons. Holy water inflicts 2-8 points of damage per vial striking the skeleton.

Skeletons are immune to fear spells and need never check morale, usually being magically commanded to fight to the death.


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