
​Intellect devourers dwell beneath the ground or in dismal wilderness areas. Their reproductive method is unknown. The intellect devourer rarely protects its young, and may even devour them. Ustilagor develop a symbiotic relationship with a bizarre fungus which feeds on residual thought emanations from the ustilagor’s victims. An ustilagor becomes an adult by consuming the brain of a psionic creature.​     ​Mind flayers raise intellect devourers, treating the ustilagor as culinary delights, and using adults as watch dogs. Both forms of the creature can be used as components in items and potions related to ESP and mind control.​   ​The term “intellect devourer” refers only to this creature’s adult form; its larva is an ustilagor. Both resemble a brain on four legs. The body of the intellect devourer has a crusty protective covering, and its legs are bestial, jointed, and clawed. The ustilagor’s body is soft and moist and usually covered with a gray fungus; it has a 3-foot-long tendril at the front, and its legs are spindly and coral-like. Though both forms are about brain-sized, the adult can use psionics to alter its size.​   ​Psionics: The ustilagor can also attack psionically, first making contact with a victim’s mind. It uses aversion to give a victim an aversion to fungus or to a certain area; id insinuation to effectively paralyze the victim; or telempathic projection to increase an opponent’s dislike or distrust of companions. ectoplasmic form, body equilibrium, aversion, contact, id insinuation, telempathic projection​   Psionics Summary (Larva) Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs 2 2/1/5 II/M- 10 150   ​Tendril: The ustilagor attacks by striking with its flexible tendril. The tendril secretes an alkaline substance which causes 1d4+1 damage on a successful hit, as well as another 1d4+1 damage the following round, unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs. poison. The creature is quite agile, and can jump and dart quickly.​   ​Psionic Immunity: Despite its psionic prowess, the ustilagor cannot be attacked mentally (magically or psionically) except by psionic blast. Its fungal growth interferes with and prevents mental attacks, protects the ustilagor from drying out, prevents cerebral parasites from attacking, and makes the creature immune to fungal attacks and any power that reads or affects an aura.​  
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