
Varandek, Priest-Servitor of the Dark God: AC -3; MY J2; HD 12; hp 70; lliACO 10; HAT 1; Dmg IdlO + special (touch SA chill radius (ldB points of damage per round to all within 10 fect), spells, touch causes paralysis (pennanent until dIspelled, saving throw vs. paralyzation to resist), throne powers (see above SO immune to sleep, charm, hold, paralysis, petrification, gaseous attacks, polymorphing, callsed wounds, electrical- and cold-based attacks, nonmagical weapons, and death magic, half damage from edged weapons, makes saving throws as a 18th-level priest with a Wisdom score of 18, commands Undead as 18th·level priest; MR 40"/0 (while seated on throne SZ M (5' high ML fear' less (20 Int high (13 At NE; XP 10,000. Spells: calise fear, command, curse, dar/mess (x2),jreezitlg lIallds, freezing arrow (as Melfs acid arrow, but chiU damage rather than acid), hold person (x3). Varandek can cause paralysis with its touch, as a lich can, and the Priest-Servitor also wears a unique pair of metal bracelets tight about its wrists, almost like manacles. It takes the Priest-Servitor one round to activate these bracelets, transfonning its hands into claw-like protrusions of black ice. Its touch then gains a +2 bonus to attack roUs and in{Jjcts 2d8 points of additional chill damage (for a total of ldJO+2dB per touch, plus paralysis). However, this makes its very vulnerable to a shatter spell: should it fail its saving throw against such an attack, its hands shatter and break, innicting 4d1O hp of damage on the undead creature and reducing its subsequent attack and damage roUs by -4, as well as reducing its speJicasting to spells with only verbal components (i.e., command).


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