
Alu-fiend   Villiane, alu-fiend: AC 2 (bracers of defense AC 2 MV 12, fly 15 (D HD 5; hp 32; THACO 15 (13 with 10llg !Otoord +2 NAT I; Omg ld8+2 (IDllg sword +2) or Id6+20 (;ot'f!fin of lightning SA regains lost hit points by wounding opponents in melt'(' (gains I point for each 2 points so inflicted SO as Janelle, abO\·e; SW as JaneUe, above; MR 30%; S2 M (5' 4" MLsteady (12 Inl genius (17 ALeE; XP 4,000. ehr 16. Special abilities: as Janelle, above. Villiane cultivates her image as a hedonistic warrior-maid; she appears to be only about 18 years old. She carries three }at'l'llII!> of lightning on her person and wears gold and }aonth earrings (value 10,400 gp the pair). Vtlliane is dark and shapely, but her thick eyebrows and sardonic smile give her appearance a sinister edge (appropriatel), so, since she is the cruelest of the four).


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