
​This Priesthood has two faces. The first - all things that cause fear, hunt in the night, or cause chaos. It is believed by many that Du'Makh himself feeds from the fear that is caused by his agents. Du'Makh is the god of nightmares, nocturnal predators, confusion, and chance in their most wicked forms. The second - aberrations. Followers of Priests of Choas know, accept, and love variations of original forms. They take delight in mutations, especially if they are grotesque and dangerous. The Priests themselves always have a mutation of somesort (consult the tables) and seek to "bring out" the mutations in others, willing or not. When appropriate, these Priests can be consorts of dark mages who experiment on various creatures to further their study. Priests of Du'Makh never formally avow themselves of their deity – instead they operate behind the scenes, manipulating in the shadows of truth and fulfilling their plans with the protection of the night. Priests of Du'Makh often use others to carry out their well-crafted schemes, and, while no symbol is born by the priests, their proxies often sport physical aberrations or wear the eight pointed cross. If a plan is not developed to fruition it is of no import to these priests as long as disruption and calamity has been born of their efforts.​  
Tenets of Faith
​Find the seed of darkness in your heart and nourish it; find it in others and exploit it to your advantage.​
Oppose the followers of all other deities so that Du'Makh alone can rule the world.​
​Seek out and revere the deep places beneath the earth.​
​Delight in the giving of pain, and consider pain that you receive as homage to Du'Makh.​
​Bind tightly what is in your charge, and restrain those who wander free.​
Duties and Rites of the Priest
  Mutations Any PC/NPC should roll on this chart for each level they attain.  
Also Known As
​Sons of Tarakhe, Children of Du'Makh, Priests of Chaos​​
Worshiped God
Known Titan(s)
Vingarym "The Great Wyrm" (Dwarves), Noctevis (Elves)​
​Priesthood of Darkness/Perversion/Aberration​
Typical Alignments
Any Evil
Holy Symbol
Affiliate Order(s)
Opposition Order(s)
​Watchwardens (Baatu), Highlords (Baatu), Templars (Balera), Hospitilars (Balera), The Brotherhood (Caelym)​
Typical Racial Followers
​Giant (Fomorian), Drow, Dracolisk, Deepspawn, Gargoyle, Ixitxachitl, Lamia, Lycanthropes, Manticores, Morkoths, Trolls​
Dedicated Servants
Beholders, Yuan-ti​
  If you are a Specialty Priest (Theologian):  
Initial Funds
​3d6 x 10 gp (once the priest has bought their equipment, they must return all the remaining funds to their organization except for d3 gp)​
Minimum Ability Scores
​Wisdom 11, Intelligence 11. Wisdom or Intelligence 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Intelligence 16 means +10% experience.​
Race(s) Allowed
Followers and Strongholds
The followers are received at 8th level, and consist of three third-level priests and twelve first-level priests of the same order, and one third-level fighter and six first-level fighters to act as guards. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests, only one of whom may be third-level; plus three fighters of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 8th level.​
​Physical Deformity: Priests of this faith have a 40% chance of deforming (roll on the tables) when entering the priesthood (1st level). If the priest is not deformed, they check again for each level, increasing the chances by 5% per level, cumulative. Psionic priests have a 95% base chance, with a 99% cap.​
Non-Weapon Proficiencies Required
Non-Weapon Proficiencies Recommended
Reading/Writing, Religion, Spellcraft​
Weapon Proficiencies Required
Weapons Permitted
​Bows (all), crossbow, dagger/dirk, dart, knife, stiletto, sword/rapier, sword/short, shuriken.​
Armor Permitted
​All non-metal armor; no shields​
Major Sphere Access
All, Charm, Divination, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun
Minor Sphere Access
Animal, Elemental, Guardian, Protection
Granted Powers
Infravision, ​An elven or half-elven priest of this faith has Infravision of doubled range, to 120' ​
Charm/Fascination Detect Secret Doors. Same as Elf ability: Success on roll of 1 on 1d6 when passing within 10', 1-2 on 1d6 to find secret doors and 1-3 on 1d6 to find concealed portals when actively searching; elven priests of this order have success on a roll of 1-2 when passing within 10', 1-3 to find secret doors and 1-4 to find concealed portals when actively searching ​ Shapechange. ​at 8th level, 3 alternate shapes ​ Cause Deformity. Priests can Cause Deformity in those they have charmed. This manifests as some physical change in its victim causing the charm to become permanent. It takes one hour to perform and may be done a number of times per day equal to their level. ​


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