Wand of Frost

A frost wand can perform three functions that duplicate wizard spells. The wand can function once per round and may be recharged.

  • Ice storm: A silvery ray springs forth from the wand and an ice (or sleet) storm occurs up to 60 feet away from the wand holder. This function requires one charge.
  • Wall of ice: The silvery ray forms a wall of ice, six inches thick, covering a 600-square-foot area (10'x60', 20'x30', and so on). Its initiative modifier is +2, and it uses one charge.
  • Cone of cold: White crystalline motes spray forth from the wand in a cone with a 60-foot length and a terminal diameter of 20 feet. The initiative modifier is +2, and the effect lasts just one second. The temperature is -100 (Fahrenheit) and damage is 6d6, treating all 1s rolled as 2s (6d6, 12-36). The cost is two charges per use. A saving throw vs. wand is applicable.
Speed Factor
XP Value
Base Price


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