Wand of Viscid Globs

Thought to be of Morwen manufacture, the wand of viscid globs is used as a deterrent or as a way to keep prisoners inescapably bound. When it is activated, a sphere of magical energy - appearing as a "glob" of some unknown substance - is projected toward an intended target within 60 feet. A target that is able to move is allowed a saving throw vs. wand to dodge the glob, but someone or something that is bound or otherwise immobile cannot prevent the glob from striking. The wand can be used once per round.

Solid items within the 5-foot-diameter glob when it strikes its target are permanently bound to one another - hands to weapons, armor to bodies, and so on. The specific effect on any character or creature struck depends on the position and orientation of the character's body at the instant when the glob makes contact. A standing character will be rooted to the spot, but if he was holding his weapon away from his body (and if the attachment of armor or clothing to skin does not completely hinder movement) he may still be able to use his weapon to defend himself. Globs are most often used to firmly bind victims who have already been trussed up by ropes or chains, making escape virtually impossible.

No amount of struggling will enable a trapped character or creature to be free of a glob; all that will happen, if the victim tries hard enough, is minor damage (d3 points per attempt) from strained or torn muscles. The magic of a glob negates any contrary magic that might have been available to or in effect upon a targeted character or creature (such as a Ring of Free Action). A character struck while flying or swimming will sink slowly to the ground (taking no damage from the fall) and will not be glued to the solid surface he comes in contact with, but may be frozen in position and unable to move - which could be a serious problem for someone whose water breathing spell is about to expire.

Dispel Magic will cause a glob to vanish, and ordinary alcohol will dissolve a glob; a flask of wine contains enough liquid to undo the effects of two globs. The effect of the globs is not cumulative; a character already contained within one cannot be further affected by repeated applications of the magic.

Speed Factor
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Item type
Base Price


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