Wind Breath

A variation of Gust of Wind, this spell allows the caster to fill his lungs with air and expel a powerful wind. The strength of this wind is about 5 miles per hour for every level of the caster. Those outside the area of effect do not notice the tremendous winds, though objects may be blown out of the spell's area into their path. The DM should determine the precise effects of the wind breath using the following parameters as guidelines.

If the wind breath is 30-50 miles per hour, there is a 10 percent chance that small boats capsize, a 1 percent chance that ships capsize, and a 10 percent chance that a man is knocked down. There is a 20 percent chance that branches snap, light articles are blown away, and tents and sails tear. Creatures caught in the cone of the wind breath suffer 1 hit points of damage from blown sand and grit.

If the wind breath is 50-70 miles per hour, there is a 70 percent chance that small boats capsize, a 20 percent chance that ships capsize, and a 50 percent chance that a man is knocked down. Trees bend and there is a 70 percent chance that branches snap, and a 20 percent chance that a trunk snaps. Medium-sized articles are blown away, and there is a 50 percent chance that tents and sails are torn, and a 40 percent chance that shacks are blown down. Creatures caught in the cone of the wind breath suffer d4 hit points of damage from sand and grit. Flying creatures are blown back 10d4 feet.)

If the wind breath is 70 miles per hour or more, there is a 100 percent chance that small boats capsize, a 70 percent chance that ships capsize, and a 70 percent chance that a man is knocked down and blown 10d4 feet to suffer d6 hit points of damage per 10 feet blown. There is a 70 percent chance that tree trunks snap, and a 100 percent chance that branches are ripped from trees. Heavy articles are blown away, medium articles are ripped from fastenings, and tents and sails have a 70 percent chance of being destroyed. There is a 20 percent chance that common buildings are blown down and a 60 percent chance that shacks are flattened. Creatures caught in the cone of the wind breath suffer d8 hit points of damage from blown objects. Flying creatures are blown back 40+10d6 feet.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Invocation and Evocation (House Appius)

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material component for this spell is a handmade silk fan with a value of at least 1 gp.

Casting Time
1 round ​
Area of Effect
Cone 180 ft. long and 90 ft. wide at the base ​
Saving Throw


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