Wind Column
A priest with access to this spell need not fear most routine falls, since the casting of the wind column creates a pillar of strong winds to slow his descent. The spell is most effective in areas or regions where a strong breeze is available, such as the heights of a mountain or the mast of a ship at sea. In areas of dead, calm air, it is much more difficult to muster the wind power necessary to arrest the caster’s fall. The caster’s rate of descent (and risk of damage) varies with the strength of the prevailing winds, as shown below.
If the wind is very strong, the caster can even choose to gain altitude instead of falling, although he can rise no higher than 5 feet per level above his original height before the wind column loses cohesiveness and he starts to fall again. However, a priest could use this to leap out a castle window and allow the winds to bear him to the roof of the tower, if the conditions are right.