Winds of Akadi

When this spell is cast, a 30-foot-diameter sphere of whirling air comes into existence at a point indicated by the caster. Creatures in the area of effect when the spell is cast (or those entering the area of effect while the spell is in effect) must make a saving throw vs. spell or suffer d4 points of damage.

On the second round of the spell, the priest can cause a Lightning Bolt to issue forth from the storm at any creature within range, inflicting d6 points of damage per level of the caster to a maximum of 10d6 points. Bolts fired from the cloud behave in the same way as those created by the Lightning Bolt 3rd-level wizard spell, and all affected creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spell for half damage. Creatures within the cloud in a round when a Lightning Bolt is projected make their saving throws with a -4 penalty.

Every other round, the cloud releases one Lightning Bolt in a manner and at creatures selected by the caster. The cloud produces a total of five Lightning Bolts before the spell expires. In the intermediary rounds between Lightning Bolts, the casting priest is free to perform other actions, including melee attacks and spellcasting. At the start of each even-numbered round, however, the priest directs the Lightning Bolt to its target and thus loses his or her normal action for that round.
Type of Magic
Spell Level
Invocation/Evocation, Alteration
Elemental Air
300 ft.
Verbal, Somatic
1 turn
Casting Time
Area of Effect
Saving Throw


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