Wormhole Hazard

An area riddled with wormholes looks like the inside of a huge Swiss cheese, with holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling of the passageway. Because the floor holes arc obvious, they do not represent a hazard unless characters without Infravision are traveling in total darkness (in which case falling damage equals 2d6). If PCs choose to enter any of the wormholes, the DM should automatically place cl wandering monster encounter of his or her choice. Movement rate is slowed to 75% because of the need to keep stepping over and around the holes. Rumblings and grinding sounds echo through the wormholes, but it is difficult to tell if they originate from above or below. There is a 20% chance for each wormhole area that a wandering monster encounter will occur with either a Purple Worm or a Tunnel Worm (equal chance of either).


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