
is an illithid priest of I tlh level. Zanticor wears a rillg of protection +3 for an Armor Cia"!> of 2, has 56 hit points • .lnd !>tands almost T tall. Zanticor's spells art' comma/ld (x2), curse, dorlm~,,; (10:2 cirarm person, f'Irtimll/, 1I0id persoll (x2), III011lI'ul"·; nmtimza/ darble!'.~ (xl), f'nlohOIf fOIf/rol· (x2 cloak of foor, detect lit', mf'lftlll domilla/ioll·; dUITlIPIO"'S strength·, Inle X't"in,l:; a~f' crea/u~. The experience point reward for defeating this formidable foe is t2,000 XP.


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