Statue of Serenget Ys

The statue stood in its golden glory in the middle of the great place of Cynari, the largest open space of the capital. And still, it was near impossible to get close to it, through the dense crowd that had become to venerate it. Fortunately, the monument was tall enough for Synar to contemplate it above the crowd. Its already great size has been elevated for the occasion, and the young boy was thankful for that.

The illustrious founder of the Warden's Order has not left many things behind him. His statue, taking centre stage in the capital city of Ryeh, is the only representation of him left from the dark age.


Subject of Worship


There is no god on Alcyerna. If there was, they were destroyed by the first Void incursion. Prayers are now turned toward the unmatched Watchers, believed to be far stronger than the gods of yesteryears. Among them, one concentrates most of the adoration: the vanished legend Serenget Ys.


Once a year, pilgrims from all over the kingdom gathers in the capital to pay their respects to the hero of then. Most pray for his return, though some still imagine him as some deity looking over them and call for health and good crops.

Serenget Ys


By far the most powerful among all Watchers, he surpassed even the Old Man, current master of the order and only living person to have known Serenget. When the Void first threatened to swallow Alcyerna and reach Eden, he was the one who stood up and single-handedly repelled it several dimensions away. He then awoke the potential of other incredibly powerful individuals and created the Wardens before disappearing. To many, this event is what almost caused the Order to collapse and life to be destroyed.


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