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Welcome to world of Ald’age, a world of swords, sorcery and more recently a world of intersecting planes. We start the story of this world on the Continent of Salbis’tar. Salbis’tar is divided by The Haunted Wastes, the massive Dwarven mountain of Khigbuldahr and political strife. To the west of Khigbuldahr lies The Empire of Laun, it was made up collection of city-states that have been swallowed up over the last century by the once passive and proud kingdom of Vrasha. Few are now old enough to remember they ever existed, fewer still know why they suddenly turned into a warlike people and eventually into the empire it is presently. “The Great and Glorious Empire” monopolizes most of the eastern shores and ports of the continent of Salbis’tar, thriving on taxing trade routes and charging exorbitant fees to dock in ports.   The world while civilized to a certain extent is still overrun with all manner of beasts and terrors. Relics from the final battles of both the ages of Chaos and Light that ruined that scarred landscape, are still found here and there. Most of which are gobbled up by the Empire. What will not be sold is just confiscated for the glory of the Empire.   Under the rule of the current Empress Agnes Frost, now in her 67th year (Cyric save the Empress), most are left to their own devices. You live as you did before. Except you follow The Empress’s laws, abstain from using magic, and bow to her installed local leadership. The crown only takes a tithe of what you produce and earn. In return, citizens of the Empire are protected from the chaotic horrors and shadowed evils that stalk the edges of the Empire’s lands. This agreement seems to have benefited the Empress very well and has let her wage war with every neighboring nation, inching its way across the continent. Every shop is government-owned and run, and sales outside the approved businesses are met with imprisonment. Rationing of all supplies have many common folks on edge. Citizens secretly rally against the oppressiveness where they can. Secret societies have formed under the nose of Empress Frost. Foiling things where they can and keeping close watch on things they can’t.