Alistair the Righteous

Alister, a celestial, was the leader of the God Orekoa 's personal guard. Orekoa, the God of merchants, balance, and scales trusted Alister to do the right thing always, and to defend the weak. Alister was the destroyer of the wicked, slayer of the unjust, and a beacon of the righteous. Orekoa tasked Alister with being her Harbinger of Justice.     Alister served Orekoa for many years, until the Battle of the Eclipse, where Alister led the guard into an impossible situation. Luke-an, a member of the guard led Alister to believe Orekoa ordered the cleansing of the Celestial Realm. Alister carried out the orders and unknowingly killed the innocent. When Alister's fellow guards were told by Luke-an that Alister had defied the orders of Orekoa and murdered the innocent, Alister fought, and killed, his fellow guards. Luke-an escaped to parts unknown.       As punishment for the killing of innocents, Orekoa banished Alister to Uzta to redeem himself by fighting for the true of heart in Uzta. As a token of the years of honorable service to Orekoa, Orekoa allowed Alister to maintain his flaming greatsword, Judgment. Alister was cast down to Uzta and landed from the sky a day after peace was made between Alea and Korbrea.     Alister joined the Knights of the Order, an order dedicated to serving Orekoa and bringing salvation to the people of Uzta. Alister was given the name Alister the Righteous when he saved a village that would have been destroyed had he not intervened. After serving for several years, the priests of Orekoa anointed Alister as Lord Commander of the Order.


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