
Amir - Male, God of Love, child of Iris and Sinclair, He is the Child of the Summer Rain, their oldest.   The Summer Rain - Amir was born from love and his parents wept with joy. (Once per day you can change another players roll to a success)   Love Prevails - Amir loved a woman so much that when she died, she returned to him. (Once per day when an ally goes down you can restore them with 1d20 of HP)   The Power of Love - Amir's love can be weaponized. (Once per game you can change an allys successful hit to a crit)   Love is Madness - Amir and Eromena had a passionate affair. (Once per game you can make an ally roll with emphasis)   Love for All - Amir loves to spread his love across the world (Once per game you may heal any up allys 1D20)


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