
Goddess of Enchantment,    A wizard who wanted to get a simple job, but soon took it to killing their superiors. Only once Besar  began Conquest of Besar  did they start using their magic for good.  


Azpiratu, once a cunning and morally ambiguous wizard of enchantment, began her magical journey with self-serving motives. She sought power and influence over others, using her abilities to manipulate minds and bend wills for personal gain. However, her path took a dramatic turn when the forces of good rallied to combat the rising threat of Besar , the future god of death.
Initially drawn into the conflict by necessity, Azpiratu's perspective shifted as she witnessed the devastation Besar's reign brought to the world. Realizing the gravity of the situation, she used her powers of enchantment to unite and inspire, turning her mastery of influence toward rallying allies and undermining Besar’s forces.
  Her unexpected heroism did not go unnoticed, and for her role in helping to defeat Besar, Azpiratu was granted godhood as the Goddess of Enchantment. Now, she watches over those who wield charm and persuasion, encouraging them to use their gifts for balance and justice, while reminding them of the temptations that once nearly led her astray.  

Piety Myths 

  Underselling - Azpiratu is not ambitius and often undersells herself. ((Advantage on any CHA rolls where you have to downplay yourself or allys))   Power Word - Words are power and power is deadly. Azpiratu knows what words can do. ((All Powerword spells double in strength.))   Defensive Mind - Azpiratu knows how to protect themselves from psychic magic ((Reistance to Psychic Damage))   It is Real - Azpiratu knows what is real, and what is fake ((Advantage on WIS saves))   Power of Suggestion - Azpiratu once told a crowd what they needed to hear, and they did what needed to be done. ((Once Per day you may cast Mass Suggestion))


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