Cogs in the Cosmos Homebrew Rules

Ship Combat   Ship Combat is always done with group Inititive   Each character can take an action using the ship, so long they are at a consol.   Attacks are made with a +DEX modifier, and proficiency if the character would have experience with the ships   Attacks hit Shields first, unless speficied by the consol or weapon. Critical hits do half damage to shields, and the other half to Hull.   Ship repair is a levels of success tools check. DC10 gives you 1D8 to repair, DC15 gives you 2D8, DC20 gives you 3D8, DC25 gives you 4D8, DC30 gives you 5D8. A critical success changes the D8s to D12s.     Most Teleportation does not work through shields. Demension Doors are the exception, unless a ship a module allows.


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