Drugs Within Utza

Feydust: A soft white powder that, in the right light, shines with soft blues and red. The powder tastes like burnt ozone, which makes it evident that it needs to be snorted. Use causes bonuses to IQ based tasks but also makes its user seek it out more and more for increasingly trivial tasks.   Halfling Weed: Most often dried, chopped, and smoked. Causes extreme emotions to abate and induces near euphoric mellow-ness and, occasionally, a user will experience mild hallucinations. Side effects include increased appetite and red, puffy eyes.   Blue sand: A substance similar to fine sand found at the beach, only that it’s deep blue colored. Consumed through the nose. One to five doses (depending on Wis or Con modifier) are enough to develop an addiction. Early effects (one to three weeks): Enhanced perception, athletics & acrobatics Following deterioration of body and mind: First (after four weeks of constant consumption): One exhaustion stack per three days without a dose. Second (after six weeks): Negative modifiers (-2) on all attributes and disadvantage on all skills. Third (after 8 weeks): Death.   Dream Flake: Thin slivers of a dried, black fungus. When place between cheek and gum, it induces hallucinations and euphoria. When smoked, the user enters an extremely vivid waking dream, which can last for hours. Extended use blackens the teeth and make 'bad trips' more common. Addictive.   Wrymwood: looks like a cinnamon stick but smells of fungus. Grind some up and put in a tea. When drunk, it provides a psychedelic trip for 1d4 hours (halved on a DC 15 con ST and doubled when failing by more than 5).   Sundrop: a bright yellow/orange liquid, naturally incandescent, as if it was a liquefied ray of sunshine (henceforth the name). Originally used as a magically synthesized antidepressant, Sundrop when consumed tricks the user into believing that they are happy, as it quite literally gives them ‘warm feelings’. Over usage may leave the user feeling withered between uses, as their dependency has rendered them unable to produce dopamine and serotonin. Over time users also commonly begin to build tolerances to Sundrop, requiring greater quantities to be consumed to maintain the effect. Overdosing on Sundrop causes feverish conditions, as the drug radiates through the users veins, ultimately burning them alive from the inside out.   Patch: It works similarly to ecstasy, expanding yourself to feel the sensations all around you. It grants the ability to speak with plants and animals for 1d4+1 hours, and the comedown has a DC15 CON save. Failing the save adds one point of exhaustion immediately after waking from the first long rest you take, and lasts until completing the next long rest.''   Wandercaps: When you ingest these plain gray mushrooms, you fall into a deep trance. You experience vivid hallucinations, often nonsensical, but sometimes hinting about the events in the near future. The comedown is unpleasant.   Ember Berries: These faintly glowing black berries are used in coming-of-age rituals in a certain druidic sect. Drink a tea made from these, and you will become relaxed and calm. After a few minutes, flames begin cloaking your body - as long as you remain focused and calm, they cannot hurt you.   Luhix: Made from the powdered stalks of a plant grown in the Abyss by demon lords to give to brainwashed cultists. Applied to an open wound that is then sealed with either bandages or magic. User has intense pain for the first minute, with -1 to all ability scores. Afterwards, user is immune to pain (they still take damage, but it doesn't bother them) and they have +2 to all ability scores for 10 minutes.   Agony: The distilled essence of pain. Mainly used by torturers as a social lubricant, but masochists will sometimes also seek it out. When the thick, reddish-brown liquid is ingested (via mouth), the user is hit by intense pain, making them unable to move for 2 rounds, having disadvantage on all ability checks for 1d6+1 minutes. During this time, target will likely give up any info. After the pain, user feels intense pleasure for 1d4 hours, although this is less an effect of Agony and more of them appreciating their lack of pain.     Yggdrasil Sap: A legendary drug that causes you to see into your future. This future is usually the users own death if they don't pass the DC 15 Constitution saving throw to not die from it.   Powdered Power: a glittering substance that almost looks like diamond dust, consumed by snorting. It fills you with a sense of euphoria and you feel like you can do anything, for about an hour. During this time you have advantage on all ability checks and attack rolls. After the hour is up, you must make a DC 5 CON save against addiction, and the DC increases by 5 after every dose. Should you fail this save, you then have disadvantage on all ability checks, saving throws and attack rolls until your next dose. Once addicted you no longer have to make CON saves after each dose. To remove the addiction you can make a DC 20 CON save after going one month without taking a dose.     Top hat: a small top hat shaped consumable that melts on your tongue, soon enough you begin to see statistics on item weight, size, price, juice content, fuzzability, gloppiness...and perhaps some or all of these are just made up in you mind.   Funpowder: A magic/alchemic powder made by reclusive druids, funpowder changes the user's biologic gender for 1 hour for every ounce consumed. Usually consumed while diluted in water and/or in combination with a spiked drink.   The Flayed Mind: A drink containing some of the Mind Flayer's mind-numbing powers. Makes the user dumb and slow, much like weed however much stronger. Any mental saving throws made while under its effect automatically fail, making this the preferred tool of enslavers everywhere. Once the effect wears off the user may make a DC20 int save to remember what happened while under the Flayed Mind's effects. This saving throw can only be made once. Addiction 1, psionic.     Crit: A street drug, popular with daredevils and dreadnoughts that will make every roll a 50/50 critical fail or critical success for 1d6 hours.   Troll Dust: mixture of various troll parts. When smoked, you gain resistance to acid for 6hrs and it acts as a powerful aphrodisiac.   Devil's Tongue: while high: everything seems so surreal, your body feels numb in a good way, and everything sounds far away. Things outside of ((1D4+2)*10) ft. are a blur of colors and shapes. --- Effects are like true sight, but they allow the user to see (into / alongside) other worlds, mainly hellish landscapes mangled into ours. --- Either a negative effect or disadvantage on dex checks and hearing based perception checks. Advantage on sight based perception, investigation, and insight checks.   Pixie's Fire: A rose golden-coloured powder-like substance that, when inhaled through the nose or mouth causes the user to become immune to being charmed or frightened for an hour, they must make a DC 15 con save at the end of the hour or gain 1 level of exhaustion.   Lunar Moth Dust: This substance comes from the dust off of the wings of a particular moth. When snorted, effects include: darkvision, insomnia, compulsion to follow or stare at light (disadvantage on all checks made against an opponent who is holding a torch or near a bright light source), and a feeling of weightlessness.   Paladin's Placebo: A drug that when taken will satisfy any craving for any other drug the user is addicted to. Created by a former herbalist drug dealer that was coached by a paladin to quit their habit and change their life around. Ironically, the supply of the drug is tightly controlled by the Paladin order of Otokoa


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