

  God of Conjuration,    A summoner who faught against Besar  during the Conquest of Besar   


  Ekarri was a skilled wizard who specialized in Conjuration magic, mastering the ability to summon creatures and objects from distant planes. During the Conquest of Besar , she played a role in the resistance, using her magic to call forth powerful allies and resources to aid the fight against Besar 's forces. Ekarri summoned armies of elementals, weapons from other realms, and safe havens for those fleeing the conflict.
Though she fought valiantly, Ekarri ultimately gave her life in the battle. In recognition of her courage and the vital role she played, she was granted godhood, becoming the Goddess of Conjuration. As a divine figure, Ekarri symbolizes the power to connect worlds and summon aid in times of need, guiding conjurers who seek to use their magic for the greater good.  

Piety Myths 

  Divine Logistics - The act of Conjuration requires advanaced knowledge of divine logistics ((Once per day, add a +5 to a relgion check))   Divine Movement - Ekarri understands how the realms are connected. ((Once per day you may cast Dimension door))   Divine Transport - Ekarri can manipulate Floating Disks with uncanny ability ((When you cast Tensors Floating Disk you can ride on the disk and travel up to 30 feet up))   Divine's Best Friend - Ekarri has a spirtual bear that acts as a friend and support ((Once Per day you may cast Conjure Animals))   Feed the Hungry - Ekarri can create food and drink to feed those who need it ((Once Per day you may cast Create Food and Water))


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