Iron Coin of Burdina

Burdina - a town known for their iron, Patron is Herdokoa, god of metal, iron, and rust, of times passage, seclustionist. does limited trading and only in bulk. built into a mountain and surrounded by walls. all solders wear all iron everything. structures have tons of iron structures. including on the walls. they are known for a swift and severe defense of their land, rites, people and customs. wary of outsiders. a massive magic spell keeps iron from rusting within the city walls. inside the city you must use a local iron currency, you may by it in gold or silver, but you may sell it back to the government at a discount, and only electrum. they know if their coins leave the city becaus eiron rusts very quickly. they have become very rich relatively quickly. The most wealthy are the mine owners, and then the city land owners. The mining families split demographically, with two being dwarven, one being human, one being high eleven and one being orcish. the land owners ar emuch more diverse but there are only a few dozen of any significance. the burgeoning middle class is of merchants and skilled metal workers.     It is a coin of the city because it can not rusty within  the city, coins with rust are rejected at face,
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