Is Democracy Dead in Bliznia?

Is Democracy Dead in Bliznia?

    Yesterday four campaigning Senate Candidates were shot while on stage giving speeches. A number of weeks ago Consul Gaius Basil named his new son-in-law the Dictator and then new King of Bliznia. Percival Bloom before this was a legal clerk for the Senate and the Headmaster at the College of Adventurers at Minos Point, after the scandals it faced he may be a solid administrator, but King? Dictator even?   A deep dive into the history of Bilznia reveals it was rarely about the people of his city, of this region south of the mountain that once we believed our gods to live. It reveals that the Basil family has controlled this city in various ways for eons. The question I have now, why hand it to to Percy Bloom?   Further, it appears that Gaius Basil, his daughter Octavia Basil-Bloom and Percy are all now devils, having been reborn in the flames of the senate. If that was not a communication from beyond this plane, I do not know what would be. Yet, for almost two months we have moved forward as if this was normal, as if CAMPs lock-down was normal, as if the blockading of half the city was normal, as if dealing with gang war was normal.   We do not tend to discriminate here, but should our leaders be sworn to a devil of Lies?   I've looked into this devil lord of there's and he is not even liked by the other Arch-Devils.   We often take these times of trouble, of unrest, of chaos in the lives of our fellow citizens, and we look for comfort. We look to heroes. This city has had its fair share in the years past, but now, they all seem absent. Sometimes certain neighborhoods have looked to noble criminals, but those too appear gone. We have looked to those senators who have done us well in the past, but now they are quiet, ineffective, and complacent. We have but this moment to speak out and to fight back, for tomorrow may be too late.   If I sign my name, I will be targeted. If I speak out with my own voice, I will be targeted. My sister will be targeted. My father will be targeted.   I have known injustice. I have watched so much injustice be corrected.   I know the world can be right.     In The Name of the Holy Republic,  

Dorothy Woolworth


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