

  Méthi - wine and madness   An island city that has tall defense towers, and heavy artillery, but few walls.   They grow poppies all around in every space. Massive hemp farms fuel the economy as well.   The city is very multicultural, with the elected Dictator being elected in a multi series vote.   They are known for their canvas and rope, plus hemp textiles.   The Dictator suggests three candidates for the administrative officers each year. First Year is Master of Treasury, Second Year is Master of State, Third Year is Master of Defense, Fourth Year is Master Economy, Fifth Year is the Master of Law. From the three candidates a series of votes results in the final selections.   Home of the The College of the Whispering Winds , a bards college.      

Known History

  Appears in Legacy of Halison when they try to steal a bracelet from the heir, but instead make a deal with Grace.  


  Methi is an island city known for its distinctive lack of traditional defensive walls, instead relying on its tall defense towers and heavy artillery for protection. This gives the island a militarized look while maintaining an open and accessible feel. The surrounding landscape is dominated by vast poppy fields and hemp farms, which fuel the local economy. Hemp is particularly important, with the island being famous for producing high-quality canvas, rope, and textiles from the crop.
Methi is a highly multicultural city, with many different races living and working together, contributing to a vibrant and diverse society. The government is unique, with an elected Dictator serving as the head of state. Despite holding immense power, the Dictator is kept in check by a multi-series electoral process that ensures they have a strong mandate from the people.
  The administrative structure is also highly organized. Each year, the Dictator proposes three candidates for one of five important administrative offices:
  • Master of Treasury
  • Master of State
  • Master of Defense
  • Master of Economy
  • Master of Law
The final selection of each office is determined through a series of votes, ensuring that each administrative leader has strong support from the public.
  Methi’s economy thrives on its hemp industry and the production of textiles, rope, and other materials. The combination of agriculture, defense, and a unique political system makes Methi a robust and dynamic city, with a solid foundation in both commerce and governance.


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