Slate Session # 08-27-24

General Summary

Blizz’s Decision and Recruitment The Group Prepares for Action: After Blizz agrees to confront Eraz, the party debates tactics. Vadi proposes recruiting the circus clowns for backup in the coming fight. Zozo, eager to compete, gathers five clowns for a "stabbing contest," forming a comical but deadly clown army. Confrontation with Eraz Blizz Confronts Eraz: Blizz and the party enter Eraz's tent. Eraz mocks Blizz and reveals his true form as a chort devil, empowered by an archfiend. The situation escalates into a tense battle as the group prepares to take him down. Combat Begins Ethan’s Support and Clown Casualties: Ethan casts haste on Vadi and Zozo, boosting their combat abilities. The group engages Eraz and his warlock minions. Despite their enthusiasm, several clowns fall during the battle due to powerful fiendish magic. Zana and Free’s Moves: Zana and Free take on Eraz’s warlocks, eliminating one through stunning strikes and staff attacks. Free is fully engaged in close combat, showing her martial prowess. The Demon Spiderlings Additional Threats Emerge: A large demon-fed spider and multiple spiderlings join the fray. Vadi and Ethan shift their focus to this new threat while still keeping an eye on Eraz. Blizz and Isla’s Actions: Blizz casts magical darkness to confuse Eraz, while Isla breathes fire, taking down some of the spiderlings. Isla’s loyalty to Blizz is evident as she fiercely protects him. Climax of the Battle Zozo Falls: Zozo, in the heat of battle, is severely injured by Eraz, who slashes at him viciously. Zozo goes down, but the battle rages on. Rossa and Zana's Final Strike: Rossa attacks using his echo, while Zana deals a devastating blow with a vitriolic sphere, melting Eraz’s flesh with acid. Eraz’s Defeat: As the acid eats away at his body, Eraz screams in agony and melts into a pool of goo, cursing Blizz with his final breath. The demon spider, seeing its master fall, retreats from the battlefield. Aftermath Victory and Reflection: The group regroups after the battle, with Blizz victorious but shaken. Zozo remains unconscious but alive, leaving the party to consider the next steps after Eraz’s death and the potential consequences for the circus.
Report Date
11 Sep 2024


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