Starship Silly

A former Terra Firma Navy vessel that was stolen by Erick.     He stole the ship because he wanted to try and get to Sylvia.   The Ship is an Odessa Class Destroyer.   +8 to hit   135 movement(9 squares)   It has 1200 Shield Points, and 2400 Hull Points.   It has 2 Tractor Beams, doing 3d12 of damage with a chance to restrain the attacked vessel   It has 8 mass bassed projectiles 4d12 damage to hull, halfed if shields are up.   It has 16 Lazer Blasters, doing 3d12 Damage to shields, or 3d6 to Hull if shields are down.   It has 2 Heat Seeking Missile systems. advantage and +10 to hit hot targets 4d8   It has four turret systems, needs to be manned to fire, 3d8   It has a total of 32 console spots.   1 Is Primary Piloting and Control


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