

  Táfos - Grave   Home to a portal to the Shadowfell.   It is not the most populated island, and there are no humans. Shadar-Kai act as protectors of the island, with a number of teiflings finding refuge from more fantical elements of the world.    

Known History

  No known history.  


  Táfos, meaning "Grave," is a somber and mysterious island in Minos, known primarily for housing a portal to the Shadowfell. The island is sparsely populated, with no humans residing there. Instead, it is guarded by the Shadar-Kai, who serve as the island's protectors and stewards of the portal. Their presence gives the island an eerie, shadowy atmosphere. Alongside the Shadar-Kai, a number of tieflings have found refuge on Táfos, fleeing persecution and fanatical elements from other regions. They live in relative peace, finding solidarity with the Shadar-Kai in their shared experiences of being outsiders. The island is a haven for those who seek isolation from the world or protection from those who would otherwise oppress them.   Though the island is largely untouched by the wider world, its connection to the Shadowfell makes it a place of great intrigue and danger, drawing only the most daring or desperate to its shores.


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