Terra Firma

Terra Firma – most over colonized as nation states conquered and grew, but were later replaced by mega corps. Eventually Neo-governments formed from the mega corps. A vast majority of people survive on a week to week basis, and “Sanctuary Havens” are common and spread around the planet. Homeless peoples are placed there and then hired to work for the mega-corps, most eventually move into company housing. Social mobility is extremely limited. Disney - Kalfrey Entertainment – started as an animator, and now runs the majority of tv movies and visual media, as well as a number of entertainment resorts. Microsoft - Macrohard – started the computer reveolution and standardized the cog and gear sizes Amazon - Tigre – started as an online book seller, started shippping, then storing and soon dominated the e-commerce sector Apple - Orange – a orginal gear company that now has its own standard. Its stuff is known as relible, but expensive. A whole secondary market of converters exist to convert Orange to Macrohard Google - Gigaplex – a library software that also can devolp AI's based on various datapoints. Most of which need to be paid for. TikTok - Aim – a short video format ssocial media that invests in algorythms and social profiles Samsung - Kimsission, started in computers, then moved into appliances and then into real estate, creating massive automated apartments Parryman - found a massive metal deposit in austraila and used it to catapult itself to the lead of the world.             Minor Companies   Artificial AI Company   Ship Company 1   Ship Company 2 – Space Unlimited Construction and Shipbuilding   Ship Company 3   Ship Company 4   gun company 1 – Ming & Essex Firearm Company   gun company 2 -   lazer gun company – J.G. Wiley's Future Armaments   sonic gun company – Pacific Arms Company Northern Original Region “PACNOR”   grenade company – Black Powder Plus   research group 1   research group 2   research group 3 - Nuanced Independent Party Statistics   research group 4   major logistical company 1 – Delivery Out of Terra “DOOT”   Major logistical company 2 -   Minor logistical companys -   Security Company 1   Security Company 2   Security Company 3 – basicly the mob   Secuirty Company 4   Security company 5


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