The Spectrum

The Spectrum is an Divergent-Class Vessel     It has 150 Shield Points, and 250 Hull Points.   It has 2 Harpoons, doing 2d8 of damage with a chance to restrain the attacked vessel   It has 2 Cannonball cannons, doing 6d8 of damage.   It has 2 Scattershot Cannons, doing 4d8 of damage.   It has 2 Lazer Blasters, doing 3d12 Damage to shields, or 3d6 to Hull if shields are down.   It has a Heat Seeking Missile system. advantage and +10 to hit hot targets 4d8   It has two turret systems, needs to be manned to fire, 3d8   It has a total of 14 console spots.   1 Is Primary Piloting and Control   1 Is a targeting system, when used you can lock onto a target to gain advantage on rolls on that target, and and extra damage dice on hit.


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